Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are deposits that form in the kidney, has hard as a rock mass formed in the urinary tract and can cause pain, bleeding, infection or blockage of urine flow.
Pain is so intense that you could not sit or find a comfortable position, pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting, pain is accompanied by fever and chills, there is blood in the urine and difficult urination is a symptom of kidney stones. Kidney stone disease is struck many Asian people and Africa is filled with a variety of culture, the air temperature tend to change often uncertain, lifestyle and lifestyle sometimes wrong, and so on. Kidney disease is more dominant attack than men women, it in evident from the survey that estimated that 70-year-old man and above have more risk disease of the kidney up to 80% compared to women. but now kidney stone disease can be attack men when entering aged 40 years and then will continue and meningakat with age. If the person is already have undiagnosed kidney stones and the possibility of having more of one type of kidney stone will increase the risk of Other kidney stone formation makes his way channel become obstructed urinary due to kidney stones. Heredity is a one of the reasons a person stricken with kidney stones. In a family that has a history of kidney stones that parents have on their children would reduce the has a 6 times greater risk. But now heredity not be one of the reasons that surely someone easily stricken with kidney stones, lifestyle, diet and bad habits that served daily was also able to trigger the onset of stone disease kidney. Formation of kidney stones caused by the presence of reduction or lack of on urine volume or excess compound elements form stones in the bladder or urinary tract. Stone kidney containing composition natural compounds comprising calcium of oxalate or phosphate (Phosphate) and other chemical compounds that support the formation of kidney stones which is in line urine such as uric acid (uric acid) and the amino acid cystine. Lack of fluids in the body due to lack of mineral water consumption in body thus speeding the formation of kidney stones further increases the risk. Kidney stones are formed due to infection in channel This is called urinary stones struvite or infection stones.The cause of the stone kidney due to conditions varied in the formation of kidney stones: * Unknown has hospital chart before such gout disease or acid veins are caused by increased amounts on uric acid levels in urine thus simplifying formation of acid rocks veining * Hypercalciuria (levels high calcium in Urine) In this condition, because many calcium is absorbed from variety of food sources then into the urine and formed stones kaslium phosphate or calcium oxalate. * Other Conditions increases the risk of formation of kidney stones including hyperarathyroridism, kidney diseases such as renal tubular acidosis and chronic diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure high (hypertension) also associated with an increased risk develop stones kidney. * Someone who has inflammatory bowel disease large or who had undergone ostomy surgery have the possibility to the formation of kidney stones. * Side effects of consumption of drugs chemical con- can also increase the risk of being on the rocks kidney. Types of drug-obatam that have on the risk of kidney stones such as diuretics, antacids are contains calcium, and protease inhibitor Crixivan (indinavir), a drug used to treat HIV infection.

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